ELASTIC Group of Artistic Research
Ladaga & Mateiga, Italy

Alexandro Ladaga is an artist  that works with digital media, video,
electronic music and  computer animation,  mixing  new technology with a
philosophical  approach (he has a degree in Philosophy, Aesthetics). He has
made a great number of site specific public art installations and video live
performances in Italy  where he has had his first individual show at SPAZIO
ENNE (Rome, 1998) .  He  founded with  Silvia Manteiga ( expert of semantics
of new media, she has a degree in Cultural Studies ) the  Group of Artistic
Research Elastic.

They have been invited by the Townhall of Rome and Florence to make two site
specific/public art  video installations for the Piazza del Popolo (Mine
Man) and Piazzale  delle Cascine (Eye Recorder).
Elastic had partecipated in a project for the Festival Temps dıImages,
produced by the  Venice Biennial and Canal ARTE. They had co-produced  and
partecipated in  a multimedia project with 35 site specific video creations
and 8 performers, in 11 ambients/rooms at the Padiglione Italia (Venice
Biennial). A project  about the relationship between body and new technology
and the perception of images.
They have been artists in  residence at The Kitchen (New York) in july 2002
and have been invited by Julian Zugazagoitia, curator of the Guggenheim
Museum and new Director of El Museo del Barrio  to showcase their last video
installations  in New York this fall . During 2003 they shall present their
live installation LCBODY at the American Museum of Moving Image (New York)
invited by Carl Goodman.